Build Your Own


We see a future where schools are vibrant, nurturing communities in which students are empowered
to write their own unique story, care for others and our planet, and emerge as influential characters ready
to make a meaningful impact on the world.

British Schools in the Middle East

The BSME supports high quality British international schools in the region by facilitating alliances between member schools and relevant business partners specialising in educational services, products, and tools. Its learning calendar offers career progression guidance at all levels and provides high-level sporting, academic and performing arts events for our students. The association’s Headship Induction Partner Programme provides new Principals and Heads with the support they need while they find their feet in the region, and its lobbying team communicates with regulatory bodies to coordinate the accreditation of member schools.

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The Council of British International Schools

COBIS is a global membership association that represents more than 400 schools in 80 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas. Its members educate over 200,000 students and employ more than 17,000 teachers. It lobbies government, education authorities and educational associations, provides compliance and quality assurance guidance, and organises opportunities for career advancement through its professional learning and CPD courses.

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The British Embassy, Dubai

The Embassy maintains and develops relations and political and practical cooperation between the UK and the United Arab Emirates. In September 2021 the UK and the UAE launched an ambitious new Partnership for the Future framework to further strengthen the two nations’ deep and historic relationship by ensuring that both countries work closely together on shared global challenges, promote prosperity and security in the region, and expand the exchange of knowledge, skills, and ideas.

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Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA)

The KHDA is the UAE government entity responsible for promoting growth and improving quality in the private education sector in Dubai. Providing support to students, parents, teachers, and school principals, as well as to early childhood centres, universities, and training institutes, it works tirelessly to maintain an innovative educational sector. Its regular inspections grade each school according to numerous demanding criteria.

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The Association of British Schools Overseas (AoBSO)

The AoBSO is a not-for-profit membership association working in partnership with the UK Government Department for Education (DfE).

It openly lobbies on behalf of its member schools with policy makers around the world and promotes the BSO and the aims of the UK Government’s International Education Strategy in overseas markets.

The intention is to inform parents of pupils in British Schools Overseas how standards measure up against the standards that apply to independent schools in England.

An essential element of the BSO inspection is considering the extent to which the British character of the school is evident in its ethos, curriculum, teaching, care for pupils and pupils’ achievements. By achieving UK inspection-based approval, participating schools can demonstrate that they provide a British education that has similar characteristics to an education in an independent school in England.

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Required Documents


When applying to DESS Schools, please ensure you have soft copies of the following documents for each child, ready to upload in PDF format within the application/s: 

  • Birth Certificate (in English)
  • Passport Copy
  • Recent Passport Style Photograph
  • Most recent End of Year Academic Report
  • Most recent Term/Mid-Year Academic Report
  • A CAT 4 assessment within the last 12 months (if available).  
    Please note, CAT 4 results are only required for Primary School applications, if available. If your child has not completed a CAT 4 assessment within the last 12 months, they may be required to attend a Taster Session (for local applicants). 
  • Emirates Identity Card (if available)
  • UAE Visa (if available)
  • Reports from outside agencies (Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychologist, etc., if applicable)
  • If you are applying from overseas, a reference request may be required from a member of staff from your current school.