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Not Everything Will Be New

When it opens in September 2025, our newest DESS family member will be set in a modern, spacious campus filled with light, space, and opportunities for students to explore their potential in every direction.

From expansive play areas and modern classrooms to a location that places us in the heart of Dubai’s educational hub, everything will be designed and built from scratch to enhance the learning experience.

But while our surroundings will be new, the essence of DESS will remain unchanged. The warmth, the welcoming community spirit, the focus on nurturing each child's unique talents, and the commitment to academic excellence in line with the British Curriculum, will remain our cornerstones.

We’re taking the rich heritage of DESS Primary Oud Metha and infusing it with even more energy, creating another dynamic environment where students can grow and thrive. We will foster a strong sense of belonging, and make sure every child feels supported and valued.

Our approach to primary school education is rooted in the belief that success is a journey, not just a destination. We encourage our students to be curious, creative, and courageous, building on the DESS tradition of excellence while embracing the opportunities of the future.

Our pledge to parents is that at DESS Primary Academic City, the past and the present will converge to create another exceptional school equipped for the future. A place where new beginnings will be celebrated while the enduring values of DESS continue to shine brightly.

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House System

One of the main benefits of being part of one of our school houses will be the opportunity it will provide students of all ages to work together and contribute to a kind and connected environment.

Chat to any past or present parent of our sister DESS Primary Oud Metha primary school, and you'll be left in no doubt about the sense of self-belief and belonging that radiates from our House ‘families’. They play a major role in reassuring students that they belong and have the support of their peers.  They also remove any ‘small fish - big pond’ fears that can sometimes be felt - particularly by children who join a spacious school such as DESS Primary Academic City from more confined primary school environments.

Throughout the academic year, children will be encouraged to engage in a range of activities and events, contributing to their House's points tally. House points are the lifeblood of this spirited competition and will be able to be earned for positive contributions to the school, outstanding work, sporting success, and consistent levels of effort. Both individual achievements and group participation will be celebrated, reinforcing the value of effort and collaboration across different phases and year groups.

Our dedicated house leaders will be the champions of this cause. They will not only tally points with great enthusiasm but also embody the spirit of their Houses across all aspects of school life. These leaders will play a crucial role in organising school-wide events and brainstorming new initiatives, ensuring the House System remains a dynamic and integral part of DESS Primary Academic City.

DESS 360 Care

To balance academic and pastoral needs and make sure we develop well-rounded, confident individuals, our commitment will have three areas of focuses:

  • Staff who will be dedicated to ensuring we provide a nurturing environment that fosters both academic and emotional growth
  • Initiatives to help parents be confident in our commitment to their children's education and wellbeing, knowing the school will place equal importance on academic achievement and emotional health
  • Children who will be empowered to flourish and explore in their learning, supported by a school environment that will encourage risk-taking and provides unswerving support.

External agencies play a vital role in offering guidance and support, collaborating closely with the school to nurture confident and well-adjusted young people.

Here are some examples of how we will embrace inclusion at every step.



Our admissions process will begin with understanding each child's unique needs. We will work closely with families to arrange visits to our other educational environments where required, facilitate time at DESS Primary Academic City outside regular hours, and consult with specialists involved with the child. Our priority will be to ensure families feel confident that DESS Primary Academic City is the right fit for them.

We will welcome students with all sorts of learning needs and assess each application individually without basing any decisions solely on medical diagnoses. Instead, admission will be based on our ability to meet the child's learning needs and ensure his, her or their potential can be fully realised.



We will assess each application individually to make sure the transition to DESS Primary Academic City is likely to be as smooth as possible. This will include organising transition days and conducting initial assessments for early need identification. New students will be paired with buddies to help them settle in comfortably.



Once needs are identified, we will tailor our support to suit each child. Our Learning Support department: the Learning Zone, will collaborate with teachers to meet these needs using the Wave Model of support. Most students will benefit from Wave 1 support, but for those requiring Wave 2 or 3, we will work with parents to develop a customised approach.



For students relocating internationally, we will facilitate the transition by sharing detailed support records, specialist reports, and recommendations with the next school.

Inclusion Framework

DESS Primary Academic City will follow the Dubai Inclusion Education Policy Framework.

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At DESS Primary Academic City, inclusion will be at the core of our educational approach. We will be committed to cultivating independent, confident, and resilient learners who embrace challenges and strive to reach their full potential.

Our focus on inclusion will ensure that every child receives the support and encouragement they need to thrive. We believe in providing an exceptional start in life for all children by fostering self-worth, mutual respect, and a genuine love for learning. By actively identifying and addressing any barriers, we will ensure that every student benefits from the outstanding education DESS is known for.

Our dedicated Learning Zone team will consist of experienced professionals who will deliver a wide range of inclusive initiatives, from tailored one-to-one programmes to focused group sessions and in-class support. These efforts will be grounded in both specialist expertise and our own thorough assessments.

Central to our philosophy will be the modification of the curriculum to make learning accessible to every child. Through thoughtful planning and Quality First Teaching, we will adapt our lessons to meet the diverse needs of our students, personalising their educational experience to ensure success for all.

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The Library at DESS Primary Academic City

A Hub of Learning and Creativity

Our amazing library will be more than just a collection of books; it will be a haven where young minds will be encouraged to explore, create, and collaborate. Designed as a sanctuary for readers, researchers, and creative thinkers, we're creating a space where the spirit of discovery can thrive.

Whether it’s delving into the latest novel during break time, embarking on a research project, or engaging in one of the many interactive activities that we will host, the library at DESS Primary Academic City will be a space that belongs to everyone. It's where the vibrant energy of school life will transition into the peaceful focus needed for study and the sheer joy of reading for pleasure. Our team will work hard to make sure the timeless values of learning and curiosity are nurtured in a modern, welcoming environment.


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If your child needs to rely on school transport when he, she or they arrive at DESS Primary Academic City, you should know that our school bus provider will be Maverick; a private, independent, specialist provider which has been operating in the UAE since 2009. Their drivers and support staff are all experienced and very familiar with school and parent expectations.

They strictly follow RTA & KHDA rules and regulations, and their fleet makes 1,000,000 stops a year, from as far away from DESS Primary Academic City as The Springs, and as close to us as Silicon Oasis.

The door-to-door bus service will be available from Foundation Stage 1 upwards. Please look at our Foundation Stage bus video to see how this service could meet your needs. 

Just like DESS Primary Oud Metha, Maverick’s number one priority is the safety of the children, and we will work tirelessly with them to guarantee peace of mind.

All their vehicles are meticulously maintained in line with the manufacturer’s requirements and are kept clean inside and out.

Safety features will include


Individual 3-point seat belts


Voice reminder system to alert staff whenever a child leaves a bus

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Bell System


GPS tracking on all routes


Tablet based attendance system

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CCTV Cameras and DVR


A ‘no child left behind’ patrol system


Digital display of students on board

When our dedicated DESS Primary Academic City Bus Coordinator has been appointed, they will be more than happy to address any questions or concerns that you may have during your school decision-making process. Contact details will be shared in due course.

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The DESS Academic City Medical Team

Our dedicated nurses, together with our doctor will be available during school hours to ensure the health and safety of our students. Their services will include:

  • Providing first aid and emergency care
  • Administering vaccines according to the DHA immunisation schedule
  • Conducting health assessments including height, weight, and BMI measurements
  • Collaborating with parents and staff on health-related concerns
  • Coordinating school medical examination
  • Promoting health and maintaining school health records


Students will not be allowed to carry medication with them during school. If your child requires medication during school hours, you will be asked to provide it to the nurses with clear instructions for safe storage and administration in the clinic. The nurses will be able to administer basic medications with parental consent.

The nurses will ask for your child’s up-to-date immunisation records and confirmation that they meet Dubai’s vaccination guidelines.

We will onduct School Medical Examinations for new students and those in FS1, Year 1, and Year 5, as required by Dubai School Health Services. These will be free of charge and will be performed at school by our doctor, with a nurse present. Alternatively, you will be able to organise for your family doctor to conduct the examination, using a form provided by the nurses.

It will be important that we closely follow the DHA and school infection control regulations. Students with a fever or symptoms of vomiting and/or diarrhoea will be required to stay at home until they have been symptom-free for 24 hours. You will expected to inform the school of any diagnoses that may impact the health of others.

Swimming will be a compulsory curriculum activity and a letter from a doctor will be required to excuse a student for medical reasons. Otherwise, the medical team will assess the student's fitness to swim. Spare swim kits will be available if needed, and the pool will be temperature-controlled for safety.

DESS Academic City will offer a Student Advisor to support the social and emotional wellbeing of students, working alongside teachers and medical staff.

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Empowering Learning Through Innovation


We recognise the reach and broad spectrum of research opportunities that technology offers, and its power to enhance both teaching and learning. We will make sure we offer a full range of digital engagement options with excellent Wi-Fi coverage across all buildings.

From Years 2 to 6, the BYOD initiative will be integral, supported by a suite of recommended apps for consistency across devices and lessons.

Whether students use their own BYOD tools or school-provided hardware, a variety of digital applications will be available to record and present research findings in multiple formats, including documents, videos, animations, presentations, and sound files. Students will also be encouraged to use bilingual search engines.

Our Digital Leaders programme will offer Key Stage 2 students a chance to train to develop and share their expertise. These leaders will support the school community by:

  • Assisting in the use of iPads and computers for learning.
  • Sharing technology skills and knowledge.
  • Helping peers and teachers with coding applications and technology use in classrooms.
  • Providing online safety education.
  • Offering technical support.
  • Participating in training sessions to stay ahead of technological advancements.

This initiative will not only enhance our digital learning environment but also cultivate leadership and confidence among students.

As technology evolves rapidly, DESS Primary Academic City will remain committed to integrating a wide range of technological tools to transform learning experiences and make sure our students and staff are future ready. The Digital Leaders will play a crucial role in this ongoing journey, constantly exploring new ways to support and advance technology use within our school.


The 6Cs

We are fully committed to nurturing the whole child and so pride ourselves on providing students with invaluable learning skills that are crucial in building both their character and resilience.

Our DESS Primary 6Cs Manifesto is our promise to our children and ensures that learning skills encompass: Critical Thinking, Compassion, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration and Curiosity.


DESS-6Cs-Logos-CRITICAL-THINKINGPut simply, critical thinking is the ability to analyse information presented to form a judgement about a topic. In today’s information-saturated world, we believe our DESS children need to develop this skill to survive and thrive. By engaging in critical thinking tasks, our children gain a deeper understanding of the world around them including how they perceive themselves in that world. They learn to analyse, compare, contrast, make inferences, and generate higher-order thinking skills. They also become confident decision makers and learn to determine what they value and believe. At DESS, we endeavour to teach children how to think, not what to think, cultivating an ethos of being open-minded, curious and interested.

DESS-6Cs-Logos-COMPASSIONThrough engaging with the skill of compassion, our DESS children learn how to be kind to themselves and others, and to be patient and to persevere through times of need. Compassion encourages kindness, patience, acceptance and tolerance, important values for navigating successful relationships with others both in the present context and beyond. By encouraging compassionate behaviours at DESS, children make decisions that  take them forward in their personal journey, pursuing their daily endeavours with kindness, patience and purpose.

DESS-6Cs-Logos-CREATIVITYWe value creativity as the ability to think differently: to see a problem or issue from a new angle. Being creative is not only attributed to artists and musicians, but to using our imaginations to innovate and create something new. Creative thinking is paramount in conquering our brain’s natural tendency to use information we already know, as well as being integral to problem-solving, innovation and entrepreneurship. At DESS, our emphasis is on child-led, enquiry-based learning which provides the opportunity for creative thinking to thrive, and for unconventional thinking to be embraced.

DESS-6Cs-Logos-COMMUNICATIONBy having strong communication skills, we firmly believe that our DESS children will be able to navigate their learning journeys, as well as their personal and eventual professional lives with ease and success. Through honed communication skills all interactions and the needs of those around them will be understood more accurately and quickly, leading to harmonious relationships. At DESS, we encourage respect, great listening, conciseness, appropriate body language, confidence and open-mindedness, to allow our children to thrive as excellent communicators.

DESS-6Cs-Logos-COLLABORATIONWe promote collaboration to allow our children to work harmoniously together towards a common purpose. Through child-led, continuous provision and project-based learning, our children have an awareness of the importance of working together as one entity with a shared goal. By identifying and drawing on each other’s strengths, each individual child has the opportunity to thrive in their area of interest and showcase their talents. Relying on openness and knowledge sharing, our DESS children can further demonstrate cooperation, compromise, individual and collective responsibility, time-management and conflict resolution; transferable skills that are so vital for later on in life.

DESS-6Cs-Logos-CURIOSITYCuriosity is quickly emerging as a critical trait and, as a result, our DESS children are continuously encouraged to delve into the unknown, by asking questions about the world around them, through deeper exploration and learning. Intrinsically linked to critical thinking, our DESS children eagerly demonstrate that they are driven in their desire to seek answers and improve, by finding novel ways to interpret new information and explore new experiences. Showing a true curiosity for others, our children further build on their compassion and empathy skills, through asking questions and seeking a greater understanding of those around them. Through a sense of wonder, enquiry and discovering new approaches, our children will further develop their adaptability and resilience, as well as a greater sense of engagement and satisfaction in their achievements.

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Dressed for Success

School Uniform

Our school uniform has helped to define us for six decades. It will be a cornerstone of the new school ethos, and will foster a sense of community, readiness, and pride among our students, it will unite us, and it will set the tone for a focused and productive school day.

That is why we will place so much importance on making sure our parents have access to high-quality uniforms and that they are available when needed. By managing our own uniform shop and collaborating with a handful of trusted partners, we will ensure a seamless and satisfactory experience for our parents and students.

Through our partnership with Trutex, we will have three dedicated uniform shops, one here at DESS Primary Academic City, one at DESS Primary Oud Metha and the other at DESS College. All three shops will offer convenient opening hours, easy access, and an online pre-ordering system to simplify the purchasing process. Trutex’s trained staff will be on hand to help with sizing or any other queries you might have.

We will share contact of the DESS Primary Academic City Uniform shop in due course.