
Exams 2023-2024


Guidebook 2023-24

The guide below covers all the important information that both students and parents need to know before embarking upon the GCSE and A Level examinations.

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Exam Pack List

The following Exam Pack list includes all the required equipment that students need to bring to each examination. It is very important that students have a clear pencil case or plastic bag (Ziploc) that contains all the equipment stipulated on this list. Please also note that the calculator on this list is the only authorised calculator for examinations at DESC.


Within its inspection infrastructure, the KHDA places great importance on student and teacher wellbeing, for which it relies on the OECD definition, namely: “the psychological, cognitive, social and physical functioning and capabilities that students need to live a happy and fulfilling life.’

In establishing a wellbeing rating for each school, it considers how happy schools are and the systems each has in place to promote wellbeing.